hit and run

Once again there’s a situation at our house!

Living next to a bar definitely has its ups, but the downside is that so many nights people drive down our tiny street (where cars are parked on both sides) after they’ve been drinking heavily at said bar. Tonight there was a hit and run (only cars–all people involved were physically okay). E woke up to a loud BOOM and saw the car hit another car twice, squeal tires, and spin out across the road. After the car came to a stop, she woke me up so we could trek across the road where the driver was sitting with flashers on, so that she could get a tag number and call it in/make sure the driver was alright.

For a more detailed report, visit E’s blog. (She was the eye-witness, after all).

Also, the driver told the police officer she hit a pole. PEOPLE, DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE!

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